Fly with your dream; dream in your flight。
I';d like to buy a ticket to tomorrow。
Not a cloud in the sky got the dreams in my eyes。 This airliner puts me at the top of the world。
Wish you could be the fixed point on each of my airlines。
Wings of Dream offered。
Flying to Your Dream
Further than Farther。
Dazzling journey on DREAM。
Enjoy the feeling of flying in the sky in your journey。
Fresh your air。 Comfort your body。 Beyond your dream。
(Personification)Take a chance on me, promise to give you the best wings。
If possess me, who need a (air)bus?
相关口号: 给员工打气口号大全、2016年最新创意公司口号、行政服务中心勤廉口号、珠海城市质量精神宣传口号、全国学生营养日宣传标语、抗震救灾宣传口号、公民道德建设宣传标语、邢台南水北调宣传标语、行政服务口号标语大全、电梯禁烟宣传标语World is running below my wings。